ancient adj. 1.已往的,古代的。 2.古来的,古老的,旧式的。 3.〔古语〕年老的。 an ancient city 古城。 ancient relics 古代遗物。 n. 1.古(代的)人。 2.〔古语〕高龄老人,老者。 3.〔the ancients〕 古文明国的国民;(希腊、罗马时代的)古典作家[艺术家]。 A- of Days 上帝,神。 adv. -ly 从前,古时候,在古代。 n. -ness 旧;古代。 n. 〔古语〕旗;旗手。
This look at real people who lived in ancient times often gives us the greatest satisfaction . 对古人生活的这一考察常给我们以极大的欣慰。
That there is a relationship of some kind between the moon and the rhythm of the tides was known even in ancient times . 甚至在古代,人们就知道在月球和潮汐的周期性变化之间,存在一定关系。
And here also flourished in ancient times those bands of gallant outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular in english song . 多少古代的草莽英雄也曾经在这里显过身手,他们的事迹在英格兰歌谣中广泛流传,家喻户晓。
In ancient times , eating was less necessary 在远古的各个时期,进食更少被需要。
The immortal idea and the taoism ' s novels in ancient times 神仙说与中国古代小说
Study of service burden in north china in ancient times 中国古代北方役重问题研究
In ancient times lepers were thought unclean 在古代,麻疯病人被认为是不洁净的。
Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
In ancient times the would was conceived of as flat 在古代,人们设想地球是扁的。
In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high 在古代婴儿死亡率极高。